JTC LaunchPad TechFiesta 2022 was held on 27 May to connect people across the tech ecosystem. The event was also attended by the Minister of Trade & Industry, Mr Gan Kim Yong, who shared about Singapore's start-up landscape which remains resilient and vibrant amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. On this occasion, Minister Gan Kim Yong also announced JTC's newly minted LaunchPad Investor Network (LINK), which aims to curate and connect LaunchPad start-ups with nine global companies for collaboration and investment opportunities.
Pic 1 - Minister of Trade & Industry, Mr. Gan Kim Yong, attended JTC LaunchPad TechFiesta 2022 (Credit to JTC LaunchPad Fiesta)
JTC LaunchPad TechFiesta 2022 is formed for visitors who want to check out innovative technology showcased from 40 game-changing startups across the ARVR, drone, mobility, smart living and robotics industries. Included in this series, there was a startup career fair offering more than 130 full-time and internship opportunities. There was also a panel discussion of thought leaders and startup founders such as AngelCentral, Carousell, DeClout Ventures, Glints, Kajima, Ninja Van, Quest Ventures, YCH Group and Zuno Carbon, who shared about Singapore’s startup landscape, and what it means for the industry to stay resilient and accelerate company growth.
Represented by Jamie Wu, Technical Sales Manager of Movel AI, the company was there to introduce Movel AI’s robot navigation solution, Seirios.
“It was a great experience to represent Movel AI at JTC Launchpad TechFiesta 2022. We had the opportunity to meet visitors including investors and students from institutes of higher learning, who expressed their interest in getting to know us. It was also inspiring to see many other innovative startups in Singapore, and to know that we are all growing together in the right ecosystem towards a brighter future,” she said.
As quoted, Movel AI's involvement is also underpinned by the company's awareness to grow in the right ecosystem like LaunchPad. This certainly helps Movel AI to gain broader insights and an open mind in responding to ever-changing global challenges, which will help the company to innovate. Not only does it spur innovation, it also has the potential to form support and collaborations with people who share the same goals; investors, government agencies, fellow startups, and many more.
Watch highlight of the event to see the excitement (video owned by JTC Corporation): https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jtccorp_jtc-launchpad-techfiesta-2022-event-highlights-activity-6937229840953552896-8Y-Y?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web